How to Be Confident


How to Be Confident:

Does it sometimes seem like everyone around you is confident and sure of themselves? Chances are, they have doubts just like you. So what’s the secret they’ve discovered about how to be confident? They know that confidence is not something you have, it’s something you create. Being confident is nothing more than a feeling of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Confidence comes from within, and you can find ways to believe in yourself at any time.


Confidence can feel elusive for those plagued by self-doubt; though this sort of self-assurance might come naturally to some, it’s a learnable trait for those who want to grow their confidence. 

And as a young man your confidence may get you in high regards and positions when it comes to dealing with oridinary people, colleagues or your superiors at work. If you don't build it in your early age you will struggle for the rest of your life.



What Is Confidence?

  Confidence means having a positive self-image and healthy sense of self-worth. In practice, this can mean feeling at ease in social situations, being unafraid of public speaking, or having positive thoughts about one’s life and personality. To be confident means to thoroughly know and embrace who you are and to be comfortable with your strengths and weaknesses alike

Research shows that building self-confidence can lead to a greater sense of overall mental health and wellness, as well as more success in many different avenues of life. Overcoming low-confidence issues can help you achieve your goals in both your professional and personal life. Confident people often find greater success as entrepreneurs or employees as their abiding sense of self-worth helps them achieve their goals. On an interpersonal level, when you learn to love and accept yourself, it can be easier for other people to do the same.



If you want to learn how to build confidence, you must be willing to change your state. Your state is essentially your mood at any given time of day. Your mood is influenced by how you feel about yourself at that point in time. The good news is you can change your state at any time – no matter what’s going on around you – as long as you know how to do it. Here are the main principles of building confidence and certainty that anyone can use to their advantage – and some real-life examples to help you apply them in any area of your life.


Physiology is key when learning how to be confident. Mastering the body language of confidence can put you on the path to success. Think about someone you know whom you consider extremely confident. When you first met them, you probably knew they were confident before they even started speaking. You knew they were self-assured because of the way they carried themselves and moved. They made eye contact, shook your hand firmly and stood up straight. Now do a quick inventory of your body. What’s your posture like? How are you breathing? We all get in negative states, which can lead to slouching, shallow breathing or hanging your head. You have the power to change how you’re feeling by controlling the way your body moves and the way you present yourself.



Thinking positive can manifest itself in several ways. First, change your focus – because “Where focus goes, energy flows,” as Tony says. Instead of getting hung up on all the ways something could go wrong, focus on all the ways it could go right. Think about how you’re going to nail your presentation and how pleased your coworkers will be to hear it. What you focus on becomes your reality – and that includes what you focus on within your own mind. Replace negative words with positive ones and start seeing the bright side of situations. By changing your focus, internally and externally, you’re changing your state. And by changing your state, you’ll change your life.



A lack of confidence can make you feel very lonely, but the truth is that many people struggle with confidence issues, including many whom you’d never guess would. Reach out to friends or family to see if they’ve ever felt uncomfortable or uncertain about themselves. You might be able to boost their well-being as well. As you grow more confident in yourself, you might be able to offer some meaningful self-care tips to someone else just starting on this journey one day.



Humans have the most unique and incredible capacity to experience a wide range of emotions. But if you let your emotions dictate your experience of life without pinpointing why you feel a particular way, your emotions control you. The truth is that you control the way you feel, including whether or not you feel confident. Confidence is not something people are born with – it’s something you must create. Building confidence creates the feeling of certainty that you can accomplish what you set out to do. Confidence is like any other emotion. It is something you feel, and you can train yourself to access it in an instant.


What do you think being confident entails? You may have some idea that confidence only stems from prior success – that you can only know how to be confident in yourself after you’ve become wildly successful. This sort of core belief severely limits you. Confidence doesn’t come from your outward achievements – it comes from within. Being confident means that if you do fail, you can pick yourself back up and try again instead of throwing in the towel. Once you start taking actionable steps toward your goal of being confident, your beliefs will gradually start to solidify. It’s time to adopt a growth mindset and start believing that you can learn how to build confidence. As Tony Robbins says, “Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.”



The fastest tip for building confidence to radically change your physiology. Stand up straight. Square your shoulders and open up your chest. Breathe deeply. Maintain brisk, purposeful strides when you walk to cover more ground. Maintaining a posture like this makes you feel stronger and where your body goes, your mind follows.

And the greater thing you can do to literally change your physiology is to start lifting and work out . when your body starts to change to the better it will boost your confidence level to the roof since you will start to walk among other dudes with a good body that they might not have.
You can also observe others’ physiology to learn more about them and gain an edge in negotiations. Certain signs, such as body angle and amount of physical space they take up, can clue you in on how a person perceives a situation – and how they can be persuaded.


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