How to look better as a man


 Here’s a secret you might’ve not known – big companies think men just don’t care about their appearance. And they’re not wrong to assume that, a lot of men simply give up looking after themselves due to laziness.

 Many men have realized the huge advantages in their social life, dating life, and professional life being well-kempt and groomed, and they’re hungry for information. 

When you want to start looking better as a guy, it’s so hard to find quality information and guides on how to do so, but don’t fret, we’re here to help you every step of the way. 

The truth is, if you want to look better as a guy, you have to start taking care of yourself. From top to bottom.
 And to be completely honest society is giving more credit and value to physically attractive men due to the reputation good-looking men give to themselves first which gives an indirect message to others to respect them too.

Actually, you gonna find average people trying so hard to please good-looking men and win their approval because they look high-status and also because of the vibe they release.

 Ways To Transform Yourself

  • take care of your hair:

You need to ditch the $5 haircuts and start going to a barber that treats you as a bespoke client. We all have different head shapes, face shapes, and bump, and lumps on our head that requires a professional to tell us what kind of hairstyle would work for us and what will not.

Finding a good barber that actually cares can be tough, but with social media, it has become a whole lot easier. Look up the different barbershops in your city and look at their website and social media accounts.

Look at the type of haircuts they do, are they modern? do they look good? Does it look like they care about their client’s needs?

 N.B: More articles will be made in the futur about how to take care of your hair

  •  Taking care of your skin:

Having healthy and clear skin is one of the biggest ways to showcase your handsomeness and vitality to the world, which in turn makes you look miles better than most guys out there that don’t do a thing for their skin.

Nobody wants to look at a face full of pimples and acne. your face makes the best first impression since it is the first thing people see. Just be honest and remember how you feel when seeing a guy with clear and beautiful skin. it could be you, my friend.

What I recommend: Start simple.
Start with a simple facial cleanser and a facial moisturizer.

Something to wash your face with and clean the dirt and impurities, and something to moisturize and return the plump and moisture to your skin after you wash it.

1. Kiehls: Face wash & Moisturizer
2. Jack Black: Face wash & Moisturizer
3. Cetaphil: Face wash & Moisturizer

N.B: More articles will be made in the futur about how to take care of your skin.

  • Your hygiene routine:

Your hygiene should be something that becomes routine to you. I like to have a set routine where I take care of certain things at the same time. For example, every 3 weeks I will get my eyebrows groomed and get a haircut on the same day.

Having a routine like this will simplify your hygiene routine.

Here’s a list of hygiene essentials you should be taking care of:

1- Keep your finger and toenails cut and clean
2- Groom your eyebrows / get them groomed by a professional
3- If you have a beard, line it up and groom it.
4- If you like a clean shave, consider wet shaving. Otherwise,, a quality electric shaver works great also.
5- Take care of your oral hygiene. (Brushing, flossing, tongue scraping).
6- If you haven’t been to the dentist in a few years, go get a cleaning.
7- Find a nice cologne you can call your “signature scent”.
8- Don’t skip out on using a deodorant. Ever.
9- Groom your body hair so it’s not out of your control. 

N.B: More articles will be made in the futur about how to take care of your hygiene.

  • Fitness and aesthetics

Let’s be completely honest here before we move on to clothes and fashion, we need to talk body.

It’s no secret that a fit body makes you look better and more attractive, and also healthier. I don’t want to drill into this too hard, but if you got a few pounds to lose, or live a sedentary lifestyle, incorporating some strength training, calisthenics, and cardio into your day will make you:

_Look better, with clothes and without  
_Feel better, mentally and physically

Your diet is also extremely important, cut out sodas, fast food, chips, chocolate, etc.

You don’t need to eat like a rabbit, just clean it up a bit.

We’re not a fitness website so we’re not going to give you a diet and routine. There are a ton of websites that provide quality information on those topics. Seek them out and get active, it’s worth it.


 N.B: More articles will be made in the futur about how to become fit and aesthetic.

  •   Upgrade your style

Style is fun, it’s a way to express yourself to the world.

Can you think of that one friend that’s a pretty good-looking dude, but he just refuses to wear anything other than baggy jeans, flip-flops, and graphic tees?

If you want to look better, most things require either putting in a ton of effort or building great habits. But one of the quickest ways to look better is to boost your style.

Now admittedly, building out a killer wardrobe can cost a lot of coins, but if you’re strapped for cash, you don’t need to spend thousands to make a noticeable improvement in your appearance.

All you have to start doing is getting rid of any baggy clothes, clothes with weird colors that do not look good on you, clothes with big and visible logos, and low-quality clothes. AND start wearing clothes that actually fit you with colors that look good on you.

you don't have to spend a lot of money on clothes, instead care more about the quality, not the quantity.

another piece of advice that actually works well is to take with you that one friend who you consider a good-looking guy with nice taste in clothes every time you want to go shopping.
N.B: More articles will be made in the futur about how to upgrade your style .


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