Tips on how to win a fight effectively

Have you ever considered loosing your life in a street-fight?Most guys think they are tougher than thet actually are, and that tough guy fantasy will be destroyed really quick in a violent situation.

It does not matter if you are a good guy or what the laws in your country are, anyone could get brutally attacked on the streets and even lose their lives.

Here is the dark reality, if you end up getting attacked on the street as a man, you likely will not get any help from bystanders. Man  have a protective instinct to help a girl or a woman when she is getting attacked or in danger.

The reality is that we don't have this instinct when it comes to other men that are strangers. This means that if you end up getting attacked on the street, you should expect people to keep watching and walking, or maybe start filming for their own entertainment.

Listen! Avoid a street fight at all costs. Street fights means a high risk and no rewards, the best self defence is not to get in a fight at all and you should escape the scene if possible. However, there are some rare situations in which you can not get away, that's because there are evil people in the world and the person who is trying to hurt you or take your life might not let you get away.  

Whether you want to fight in the ring or just stay prepared in case of a street fight, training and staying fit will better your chances at winning. When you want to train for a fight, you’ll first need to build your muscles and strength to take down your opponents. As you exercise, incorporate different fighting or martial arts techniques so you know proper forms. To stay fit, you also need to change your diet to get the most nutrients. With consistent practice and dedication, you’ll be ready whenever a fight arises.

In this article, you will get to know somethings you should know in order to win  street fight.

How to win a fight

1-Martial Arts are not good enough in real fights.

The first thing that you should know is that just learning martial arts is not good enough. Martial arts is very diffrent from a street fight , that is because Martial arts teach you how to fight within rules.

do not misunderstand it, this does not mean that you need to neglect martial arts training. IT IS CRUTIAL, and in a lot of cases regular martial arts can win you the fight so easily, but you need to understand that the rules must go out the window in a street fight  because this is not a match and you should win the street fight as soon as possible.

Let us take boxing for example: in  boxing you get to learn fighting with gloves on and only use your hands. If you take the gloves off, everything changes, You will not be able to block the same way all is because you do not have gloves to protect your face and also you can't punch as hard as you want because you might  break your hand.
There is also no one to rescue you when you end up in a clinch or someone chockes you untill you lose conciousness. If a kickboxer throws a kick and slips, there is no referee to help him stand back up.

You might think that regular Jiu Jitsu is good enough for real fights, Yet, in Jiu Jitsu you don't get taught to keep grabling while repeatedly getting punched, bitten, or eye poked. You also trust your opponent to not grabe a knife and stab you during the rolling session or not to call his friends and kick you in the head.

we could go over all martial arts, but the point is the same for all the others.



You must  be aware of everything in a street fight, aware of why you can not run or hide and what you need to do in order to win, be aware of the environment and what you could use to your advantage or what your opponent can use against you.

Figure out if your opponent has a back up that will help him or if he has a weapon, You must pay attention to everything that is going on and notice everything and analyse everything within the first few seconds in order to have this kind of awareness to your advantage in a street fight.

Practice this the next time you sit at a restaurant, look at everything around you: Where the exits are, the shape of the chairs and tables, people sitting around ... and everything going on in that particular space.

When you practice this enough, It will become second nature and you will find yourself subconsciously doing it .


3-Creat an illusion.

You have to appear more dangerous than you really are. Animals always do this to scare off enemies, and us humans can do it too. Imagine shouting back and forth with a guy and it's getting out off hands, you are so pissed of that you challenge the other guy to a fight, all of a sudden the other guy is so calm and he looks straight in the eyes and calmly tells you to step forward and stop talking. Here , he created that illusion of being tougher and that he knows somethings you don't know, which will probably start making you doubting yourself or think to yourself that this guy is way too dangerous as a psychopath.

This can work also the otherway around, think about the last time you saw a calm and controlled guy gets angry and aggressive, surely he made everyone around him intimidated . That sudden change is what makes someone scary.

This is just a one out a million ways that you can use to creat an illusion of dander. Keep in mind that the art of creating an illusion is not that easy, and if you fail to do it correctly you will seem scared yourself , which will put you in a not so good position.


4- There is no Honor in a street fight

Anyone that thinks there is honor in a street fight he is a fool. there is only a life and death situation and anything can go everywhere.

Someone might run up on you and throw a cheap shot from behind, You could get knocked out and your head hits concrete, or your opponent will not stop punching you , GAME OVER for you mate.

a good rule is to always have your back against a wall, that way you know you won't a get cheap shot and no one can attack you from behind.

Another thing to note is that you are not in the street fight because you wanted to, in fact you should aim to get out of the fight as soon as possible.There is no honor and you have to use this to your advantage. It means you can use the element of surprise , if you can trick your opponent to underestimating you and letting his guard down, You would gain a huge advantage.


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